Episode 878

Published on:

6th Feb 2023

What is a RepcoLite, Part 2 (DETROIT)


This January, all of the Teknicolor Paints stores became RepcoLite stores. But what in the world does that mean? I’m Dan Hansen and this is a Minute at RepcoLite.

OK. The big question here is who is RepcoLite? The easy answer is that RepcoLite is a paint manufacturer based in Holland, Michigan. We’ve been in business since 1946 and have 9 locations in West Michigan.

We are the state’s largest Benjamin Moore dealer, but RepcoLite also makes our own line of high end paints and coatings–everything from traffic marking paint to industrial finishes to paint for your cabinets. We also make stains and finishes for home projects as well as the furniture industry. On top of that, RepcoLite makes a lot of private labeled materials for companies throughout Michigan and beyond so they can create and finish the products they specialize in. 

And we’ve been doing all of that as a family-owned business since 1946. So what does that mean? It means that whoever you are or whatever need you have for paint or coatings, RepcoLite can help. Stop out and see us! I’m Dan Hansen and that’s a Minute at RepcoLite.


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A Minute at RepcoLite
Paint Tips, Home Improvement, and More!
A Minute at RepcoLite is a daily 60 second tip related to painting, home improvement, and anything else that crosses my mind that day! It's fun, quick, and informative.

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Dan Hansen