Episode 862

Published on:

21st Dec 2022

The Christmas Contest Finale


It’s the last day to enter RepcoLite’s Christmas giveaway. Don’t miss your chance to win some great prizes. I’m Dan Hansen and this is a Minute at RepcoLite.

The prizes this year are a $500 Visa Gift Card, a $250 Visa Gift Card and a $250 RepcoLite Gift Certificate. So–three great prizes that should come in handy any time of year, but especially now. 

Entering is easy–there are cardboard cutouts of famous pop culture icons at each RepcoLite store. Just match the right store with the right cutout on the entry form which you can find at RepcoLite.com or RepcoLite’s Facebook page.

And I can make it easy and get everyone listening 10 easy entries. Just go to RepcoLite’s facebook page and check out the video hints posted there. There are 4 of them and if you watch all 4, you’ll have enough info to answer ALL 10 questions on the entry form. Each right answer is an entry and if you give it just a little thought, you should be able to get all 10. The deadline to enter the contest is today at 11:59 PM so if you haven’t entered, get there. It’ll take you 10 minutes tops and it could net you $500. I’m Dan Hansen and that’s a minute at RepcoLite.


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A Minute at RepcoLite
Paint Tips, Home Improvement, and More!
A Minute at RepcoLite is a daily 60 second tip related to painting, home improvement, and anything else that crosses my mind that day! It's fun, quick, and informative.

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Dan Hansen