Find What You Love, Part 1
Recently, I came home from vacation and I can't tell you how bummed I was. I'm Dan Hansen and this is a Minute at RepcoLite Paints sponsored by Benjamin Moore.
Now . . . I wasn't bummed because vacation was over. I was bummed because I came home and saw with new clarity how much work is needed around my house. Everywhere I looked, something needed cleaning, painting, organizing . . . you name it.
And as I sat there looking at all I had to do to make the house feel like the house I wanted it to be . . . I contemplated moving. Wouldn't that be easier? A fresh start? Well, I knew that wasn't going to happen, so I started making a mental list of everything I needed to change to get things where I wanted them . . .
And then . . . right in the middle of that, I had an epiphany: Rather that create yet another list of things I hate and want to change . . . maybe I should write down everything I love. It wasn't easy, but it was a great experience. And we'll dig into it deeper next time. I'm Dan Hansen and that's a minute at RepcoLite.