Episode 907

Published on:

4th May 2023

Easily Clean Your Siding, Part 1


I just made a huge improvement on the exterior of my home in just under a half hour. I’m Dan Hansen and this is a Minute at RepcoLite.

All I did was wash the vinyl siding on the back of the house. Now, most of the house is brick–but I’ve got vinyl on the back third or so of the house. That side of the house is under a couple of huge maple trees and so the vinyl there was dusty, had some mildew spots, and spiderwebs.

I’ve been meaning to get at it for a while but I figured it wasn’t really that bad. AND while I knew it would benefit from a cleaning . . . I didn’t think the results would be that noticeable. Well, I did it a week or so ago and was really surprised at the results.

Apparently, it was WAY dirtier than I had thought because it looked remarkably better. The mold and mildew spots were gone and the siding looked almost like new again. And like I said, it took me literally about 20-30 minutes and was extremely low-intensity as far as the work goes. The product I used was Jomax house cleaner. And next time I’ll walk you through the steps. I’m Dan Hansen and that’s a Minute at RepcoLite.


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A Minute at RepcoLite
Paint Tips, Home Improvement, and More!
A Minute at RepcoLite is a daily 60 second tip related to painting, home improvement, and anything else that crosses my mind that day! It's fun, quick, and informative.

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Dan Hansen