Episode 876

Published on:

2nd Feb 2023

A Little Winter Microwaving


My family spent the weekend laughing about one of their favorite winter memories.  I’m Dan Hansen and this is a Minute at RepcoLite.

It happened many years back on a snowy February night. My daughter Tessa was about five and she tossed a little microwavable heating pad into the microwave. Unfortunately, she set it for 20 minutes rather than the usual 2 minutes. Also unfortunately, she got sick of waiting for it and eventually  walked away. 

About 15 minutes later, as we were going to bed, we smelled something that at first smelled like pie and then like burnt pie and then, finally, just like burning. That’s when I saw all the smoke in the kitchen and ran to investigate. I found the microwave with it’s burning payload inside and without a second thought, I grabbed it off the counter. With the flaming appliance over my head, I threw it repeatedly into the snow. The family watched at the window and so did several neighbors. It was a sight to behold. The flaming Microwave and the guy throwing it around was interesting . . . but the fact that I was barefoot and in my underwear made it even more memorable. Love those family memories. I’m Dan Hansen and that’s a Minute at RepcoLite.


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A Minute at RepcoLite
Paint Tips, Home Improvement, and More!
A Minute at RepcoLite is a daily 60 second tip related to painting, home improvement, and anything else that crosses my mind that day! It's fun, quick, and informative.

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Dan Hansen